Thursday, May 27, 2010


Progress reports went out about a week and a half ago, but most students did not return their progress report signed by a parent or guardian. If you're curious about your student's grade in English, please feel free to check Powerschool. All of my grades are completely up to date.


Lesson 73: May 27-28

Today is a research paper workday. In English class today, students will have work time to finish making revisions to their first drafts. In history class today, students will finish inserting their in-text citations and typing their bibliographies. Second drafts will be collected at the end of the day today.

HW: Students who have turned in their second drafts have no homework. Any student who is not ready to turn in a second draft at this point is in danger of failing both classes and needs to seek help from one of us and/or put in the time to get caught up outside of class time.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lesson 72: May 24-25

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will have provided a peer with revision feedback and received revision feedback on their own research paper.

1) Silent peer revision time
2) Partners trade papers back and students work on revising their own first drafts

HW: Continue revising your own essay. Second drafts (with first drafts attached) are due by the end of the day the next time you have English (Thursday, May 27th or Friday, May 28th)

The following students have not submitted a first draft:
Arthur C.
Nick C.
Jasmine H.

Lesson 71: May 20-21

Today is another research paper workday. By the end of class today, students will have generated their thesis statements (to add to the end of Part A) and typed all of the parts of their essay into one document.

Typed first drafts are due by 4pm on Friday, May 21st.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lesson 70: May 17-18

Today is a research paper work day. Here's what's happening in each class:

English: SSR, finish writing Part E, begin typing the whole paper together.

History: SSR and then begin working on Part F of the paper. This link may help you find additional information for Part F:

HW: If you have not yet finished writing Part E of the research paper, you must finish writing it for homework. You will receive a zero for this part of your paper if it is not completed by the time you come to class on Thursday/Friday. On Thursday/Friday, you will have one full class period to type your first draft. The first draft is due before you leave school on Friday afternoon.

If you need help, please come to office hours in Micah's room from 12:35-1:30pm on Tuesday.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lesson 69: May 13-14

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, students will be able to: explain what "theme" is; analyze their individual text in order to identify overall themes; begin writing Part E of their research paper.

1) SSR
2) Mini-lesson on analyzing theme using Langston Hughes' Black Misery as a practice text and Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" as a model
3) Modeling of Part E of the research paper
4) Work time on Part E

Get caught up on parts A-D of the research paper. On Friday afternoon, Nida and I will be calling the families of students who still have research paper parts outstanding. If you don't want a phone call, get any missing parts to us ASAP!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lesson 68: May 10-11

Today is a research paper workday. After SSR, students who are behind will get individual help on parts B and D. Students who are on track will work in revising the parts of the essay that they have already received feedback on and will get parts A-D typed.

If you are on-track with your research paper (you've turned in parts A-D and revised anything you've received back), you don't have any homework. If you are still behind, you need to get yourself caught up. Nida and I will be available after school to give you extra help after school today and tomorrow (Monday in Micah's room, Tuesday in Nida's), but it's up to you to show up and ask for help if you need it.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lesson 67: May 6-7

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, students will be able to determine some specific ways in which their individual text reflects the social change or social unrest that characterizes the time period in which it was written; students will demonstrate this by organizing and writing Part D of their English/history grad. portfolio research paper.

1) SSR in individual texts
2) Modeling of doing the thinking/writing for Part D using Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" as a model
3) Work time to begin organizing and writing Part D

HW: Finish writing Part D of your research paper - it is due on Monday (per. 1 and 2) or Tuesday (per. 5 and 6). I passed back Part B with feedback to everyone who submitted it on time. If your Part B needs a lot of work, please work on revising it or adding to it over the weekend.