Monday, August 31, 2009

Lesson 4: Monday/Tuesday, 8/31-9/1

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will able to: explain why quotes should be embedded; identify the key plot points in Act I, scene 1 of The Crucible

Do Now: vocab quiz #1
1) Quote embedding lecture and practice
2) Read/watch the second half of The Crucible, I.1

• Vocab flashcards (25 total – due Wednesday)
• Quote embedding practice #1 (due Wednesday)
• Organize your binder (due Wednesday)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lesson 3: Thursday/Friday, 8/27-28

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will be able to: identify key components of American culture using the “iceberg” model; explain the context and premise of The Crucible.

Do-Now: check for understanding of individualism
• What is individualism? How is it different from collectivism?
• Is the US an individualist or collectivist culture? How can you tell?
• At this point, do you think the Puritans are more individualistic or collectivistic? Why?
1) cultural iceberg activity w/ American iceberg
2) notes on the context of The Crucible
3) read pp. 6-12 in The Crucible aloud as a class

HW: study for vocab quiz on Monday/Tuesday; get all of your materials by Monday/Tuesday

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lesson 2: Wednesday, 8/26

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will: take stock of their own values and compare their values to typical American values; identify American culture as a highly individualistic culture; explain some of the differences between individualism and collectivism.

1) Personal values survey → individualism vs. collectivism
2) Lecture on individualism, collectivism, and the paradox of being an American teenager

HW: use your vocab cards to begin learning your vocab words

Sunday, August 23, 2009

First day of school!

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will have a sense of what English will be like this year and what they need to do in order to be successful. Students will also start thinking about American values and where they come from. We will refresh our understanding of tone and learn 10 new adjectives.

1) Introduction to teacher, course, and classroom
2) Silent Pledge of Allegiance activity
3) Brainstorm about what it means to be an American and what we value
4) Refresher on tone and introduction to new vocab list
5) Begin looking at Puritan values via "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God" group activity

  • write a sentence using each vocab word in context (10 sentences)
  • create vocab flashcards for vocab list #1
  • get supplies by Monday, 8/31 (Nida will go over supplies in History class)