Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lesson 3: Thursday/Friday, 8/27-28

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will be able to: identify key components of American culture using the “iceberg” model; explain the context and premise of The Crucible.

Do-Now: check for understanding of individualism
• What is individualism? How is it different from collectivism?
• Is the US an individualist or collectivist culture? How can you tell?
• At this point, do you think the Puritans are more individualistic or collectivistic? Why?
1) cultural iceberg activity w/ American iceberg
2) notes on the context of The Crucible
3) read pp. 6-12 in The Crucible aloud as a class

HW: study for vocab quiz on Monday/Tuesday; get all of your materials by Monday/Tuesday