Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lesson 3: Thursday, August 26th

Today's objectives:
By the end of today’s class, students will examine their own political beliefs and put them into the context of current trends in political polarization. In addition, students will be able to evaluate the effectiveness the two party system within this polarized context. Students will develop individual opinions about the role that the founders’ intent should – or should not – play in contemporary discussions of government.

Do-Now: Binder Organization
1.    Score political ideology survey with written response
2.    Political polarization activity and debrief
3.    Quickwrite on being a founder of Impact Academy
4.    Three quick fishbowl discussions on Founder’s Intent (for IA)
5.    Connections to Government/Federalism with Tea Party Rally Call video
6.    Exit ticket: To what extent should it matter to us (as modern Americans) what the Founding Fathers wanted this country to look like?

HW: Study for quiz on Monday. (Students will receive the questions -- without the multiple choice answers -- to study from.)