Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lesson 71: Thursday, February 17th

Today's objective:
By the end of today's lesson, students will be able to identify the differences between benchmark and graduation portfolios, will have a sense of the depth required by the grad. portfolio presentation, and will have assessed their own Digital Archive and submitted at least one completed artifact with reflection.

1) Watch first 16 minutes of sample CAT grad. portfolio presentation.
2) Debrief video as a class and discuss similarities/differences between benchmark and graduation portfolio.
3) Students log onto Digital Archive and decide which of their unsubmitted artifacts is closest to being "ready" for Grad. Portfolio
4) Students use interview sheet to interview each other about their selected artifacts.
5) Students then trade their papers back and use their interview notes to write their reflection for that artifact.

HW: If you didn't show me your submitted artifact today, send me an e-mail after you have submitted it (specifying which artifact you submitted). If you do not do this, you will not get credit for your work today.