Thursday, December 3, 2009

Lesson 33/34: December 2-4

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week, students will have work time. During this time, they are expected to work on the following tasks:

1) getting caught up (to 2nd draft status) if they did not turn a 2nd draft in before Thanksgiving
2) making revision to draft #2
3) updating all citations
4) creating a cover page
5) creating a bibliography

By 3:30 pm on Friday, Dec. 5th, students need to submit their 3rd draft. This draft should be revised from the 2nd draft feedback they received and contain updated citations, a cover page, and a bibliography. I will not be marking up these drafts, but I will read them over the weekend and score them using the Graduation Portfolio Rubric. Students will have an opportunity to make final revisions to their paper next week before the final paper deadline (Friday, Dec. 11th). Any student who does not turn in a complete final paper (including supporting materials) on Friday, Dec. 11th will receive an NC in American Literature for the semester.