Monday, November 30, 2009

Lesson 32: November 30 and December 1

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, students should have identified areas of growth in their 2nd draft and should have started making revisions. Students should additionally have standardized their citations and created their cover pages.

1) go over project checklist --> students self-assess progress and figure out what they need to accomplish today
2) individual work time: students who are on-track should be working on revisions, citations, and the cover letter today

Students are at very different places on the essay. Students who are on-track (those who turned in their revised 2nd draft before Thanksgiving) and using their time wisely in class may not need to work on the essay at home. Students who are behind should be working like crazy to get their revised, second draft written. Please contact me if you'd like me to e-mail you the project sheet that includes all of the upcoming deadlines.