Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lesson 30/31: November 11-17

During lesson 30 (Nov. 11-12) and lesson 31 (Nov. 16-17), students will have two entire periods of silent, independent work time (+ one period in History) to write the first draft of their Immigration and the American Dream literary analysis essay. If you come in with your outline completed and use this 300 minutes well, you should be able to get your rough draft written and typed without doing too much homework.

Over the weekend (Nov. 13-15), students should continue writing their rough drafts and should come into class on Mon/Tues with approximately six of their body paragraphs written.

Homework for Mon/Tues is to finish typing the rough draft. Rough drafts are due -- typed and printed out -- at the beginning of class on Wed/Thurs. I will be in early on Wednesday so that students who need to print can do so. Please do not come to class waving a flashdrive at me and saying that you need to print your paper out!
