Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lessons 66: April 29-May 4

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's [short] class period, students will demonstrate their understanding of the context of their texts (within the author's life/experiences) by writing Part B of their research paper.

1) SSR in individual texts
2) What's Part B? Explanation of sample paragraph on Alice Walker/"Everyday Use"
3) Work time to write Part B

HW: If you did not finish/turn in Part B, it is due:

Period 1: Friday, April 30th (I will come collect it in history class.)
Period 2: Monday, May 3rd (You will turn it in to Nida at the end of STAR testing)
Periods 5/6: Friday, May 7th at the beginning of class.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lesson 65: April 26-27

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, students will have learned how to use the internet to find background information about their author’s life and to put the book in context and practiced putting a book in context for the research paper (using “Everyday Use” as sample text).

1) STAR Prep team competition [30 min]
2) SSR in individual texts [30 min.]
3) Modeling of research an author’s life online [30 min.]
a) Why start (but not end) with Wikipedia? (i.e., why is Wikipedia not a valid academic source?)
b) What information do I need to write down when I visit a website?
c) What information am I looking for? What’s relevant to writing this part of the paper?

HW: Research your author and answer the research questions. Be sure to write down the website's name, the person/company/organization that published it, the URL, and the date you accessed the information for every website that you get information from. This is due on Thursday (4/29) for 1st period; Friday (4/30) for 2nd period; and Tuesday (5/4) for 5th and 6th periods because of our STAR testing schedule.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lessons 64: April 22-23

Today's objectives:
In class today, students will begin to get ready for the STAR/EAP test, analyze Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” in small groups, plan out their reading in order to finish their books on time.

1) SSR in individual reading books (for joint English/history project)
2) STAR Prep competition in teams
3) Literary discussion circles on "Everyday Use"

HW: complete take-home reading quiz (due at the beginning of class next time I see you); create a reading calendar for your individual book

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lessons 63: April 19-20

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's class, students will have become familiarized with the research task and how we will write the research paper in chunk and will have read and begun analyzing Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” in small groups.

1) STAR prep competition in small groups
2) Intro to the joint Grad. Portfolio research paper (including deadlines)
3) Explanation of how parts of the paper will be modeled using "Everyday Use"
4) Time to read "Everyday Use"
5) If time, begin analyzing "Everyday Use" in small groups

HW: Finish reading "Everyday Use" and make sure you understand the story. If you don't, please talk to the LC, a friend, or me about it. You will take a reading quiz on this story at the beginning of class on Thursday/Friday.

PARENTS: If you would like a copy of all of the upcoming due dates for the joint English/History Grad. Portfolio Research Paper, please e-mail me and I'll send you the file.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lessons 61 and 62: week of April 12-16

This week, students will receive their 2nd drafts of ESGP essay #2 (and lots of feedback on their drafts) back from me and will use class time to try to revise their drafts and bring them up to grad. portfolio proficiency.

Final drafts of this essay are due by 3pm on Friday, April 16th.

Lesson 60: April 1-2

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, all students should have given another student feedback on their first draft of ESGP essay #2 and should have received feedback on their own essay.

1) Peer revision/feedback process (40 min.)
2) Get your paper back from your peer reviewer and revise your own essay.

Your second draft is due by the end of the day on Friday. I will read them over spring break and give you copious feedback.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Lesson 59: March 30

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, students will understand the process that we went through in breaking the essay prompt down into the three EAP parts; in addition, they will have written their introductions and conclusions to their second grad. portfolio essays and will be ready to participate in a peer-revision cycle on Thursday/Friday

1) direct instruction on breaking down a "discuss themes..." style essay prompt using the current essay prompt as an example
2) work time to write introduction and conclusion paragraphs for their second grad. portfolio essay

Bring in your complete, typed rough draft (including introduction and conclusion) and be ready for peer-revision. The second draft of the essay, which is a major assignment, is due before students leave for spring break.