Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lessons 63: April 19-20

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's class, students will have become familiarized with the research task and how we will write the research paper in chunk and will have read and begun analyzing Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” in small groups.

1) STAR prep competition in small groups
2) Intro to the joint Grad. Portfolio research paper (including deadlines)
3) Explanation of how parts of the paper will be modeled using "Everyday Use"
4) Time to read "Everyday Use"
5) If time, begin analyzing "Everyday Use" in small groups

HW: Finish reading "Everyday Use" and make sure you understand the story. If you don't, please talk to the LC, a friend, or me about it. You will take a reading quiz on this story at the beginning of class on Thursday/Friday.

PARENTS: If you would like a copy of all of the upcoming due dates for the joint English/History Grad. Portfolio Research Paper, please e-mail me and I'll send you the file. micahm@es-impact.org