Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lessons 66: April 29-May 4

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's [short] class period, students will demonstrate their understanding of the context of their texts (within the author's life/experiences) by writing Part B of their research paper.

1) SSR in individual texts
2) What's Part B? Explanation of sample paragraph on Alice Walker/"Everyday Use"
3) Work time to write Part B

HW: If you did not finish/turn in Part B, it is due:

Period 1: Friday, April 30th (I will come collect it in history class.)
Period 2: Monday, May 3rd (You will turn it in to Nida at the end of STAR testing)
Periods 5/6: Friday, May 7th at the beginning of class.

Please let me know if you have any questions.