Monday, September 27, 2010

Lesson 20: September 27th

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, students will know what role they're taking on in our Election 2010 simulation, know what assignments are due when, and begin working towards either the stump speech assignment or the Chapter 7 assignment.

1) intro to Election 2010 roles and methodology
2) differentiated work time for either stump speeches (campaign teams) or the Chapter 7 task of your choosing (media, interest group, and political party leadership teams)

HW: probably none, just make sure that you're ready for stump speeches (campaign teams) and that you'll have your Chapter 7 assignment done by the beginning of class time on Monday

NOTE: I'm now able to link files to this blog, so if you're curious about an assignment or have misplaced your copy of a paper, a replacement should be more readily available.