Friday, September 3, 2010

Lesson 8: Friday, September 3rd

Today's objectivs:
By the end of today’s lesson, students will have analyzed Gonzales v. Raich as an example of the tension in our federalist system between states’ rights and federal powers. Students will also identify the main arguments presented in Federalist Paper #51 and select topics for the first graduation portfolio paper.

1. Debrief Gonzales v. Raich verdict and tie back to Federalism
2. Read selections from Fed #51 and answer questions in small groups
3. Intro to grad. portfolio paper: students choose Federalist topic to focus on (rank choices)
4. Vocab. cards assignment → good vs. bad vocab cards (w/ list of vocab terms to go with weekend reading HW)

HW: Create vocab cards for Chapter 3; answer the two additional questions listed below the vocab on the worksheet.