Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lesson 52 and 53: December 14th-16th

Tomorrow (4th period) or Thursday (3rd and 5th period), each bureaucracy group will be expected to give a 5-7 minute presentation about their assigned department. You have the entire class period today to create a Powerpoint or Keynote presentation and to get ready to present. You will NOT have any class time to prepare on the day of presentations -- just today. Presentations should cover/include all of the following information:

1. Basic history of the department and anything unusual about its establishment.

2. Department's mission or objectives.

3. What are some of the largest or most important agencies in this department?

4. What role did this department (or it's agencies) play in responding to our three most recent major national crises (9/11, Hurricane Katrina, the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico)? You do NOT need to find information on all of these, but you do need to find at least five ways your department has assisted in times of crisis. State Department: You may want to look at the earthquake in Haiti also if you're struggling to find examples.

5. How is the work of your department visible to Americans in everyday life? Please find at least two examples of advertising or publications created by your department or its agencies. There are a bunch of examples below so you can see the kinds of things you should be looking for. You may NOT use my examples in your presentation.

Homeland Security TV
ad on forest fires from Forest Service
lead paint as milk in a baby bottle
swine flu prevention from CDC
"55 saves lives" campaign in 1970s to drive 55
Tinkerbell energy
crash test dummies
Yosemite Park

Reminder: If you miss class on Wed/Thurs. without talking to me in advance and you cannot provide a doctor's note (that says that there was a medical emergency, not that you had a scheduled appointment), you will receive a zero for the quiz and the presentation. The same is true if you are late to class and the quiz has already started.

1. Send me an e-mail with your Powerpoint or Keynote file as an attachment.
2. Be ready for your presentation when you walk into class tomorrow (4th) or Thursday (3rd and 5th)
3. Study for the Ch. 14 quiz, which you will take at the beginning of class tomorrow (4th) or on Thursday (3rd and 5th)