Monday, January 24, 2011

Lesson 62: Monday, January 24th

Today's objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify the differences between the "textbook" legislative process and the way laws are really passed in Congress.


Students, please follow the instructions below for class today:
1) Click this link to go to the Center on Congress e-learning modules.
2) Scroll down to the module called "The Dynamic Legislative Process" and click on it.
3) Click the arrow in the circle to begin the e-module.
4) After you've listened to the introduction, click on the 2nd part of the module (called "The Textbook Legislative Process") and watch it. Follow along and fill in your own chart as you go along. Please be sure to summarize what happens in each step of the process in your own words.
5) Please do the same thing as in #4 above with the 4th part of the module (called "The Dynamic Legislative Process).
6) If you want to watch part 3 ("Public Criticisms"), you may do so after you finish all of the parts listed above.
7) In any time you have left over, you may work on creating vocabulary cards for Ch. 12 (Congress)

HW: none, but don't get too used to it :)