Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lesson 63: Tuesday, January 25th

Good morning, students! Today's lesson is self-paced (i.e., you'll work through it at your own speed) and very independent, which means that the room should be very quiet for most of the period. Here's what you need to get through today, in order:

1) e-learning module on the many roles of a member of Congress:
  • click this link and scroll down to the module entitled "The Many Roles of a Member of Congress"
  • using headphones, watch all six parts of this module --> be sure to take notes (on binder paper) 
  • make sure you turn these notes in when you are done with this activity: you will receive a grade for this activity and I will give you points based on the quality of your notes
2) When you are done with this activity, you should turn your computer off and immediately begin working on your Chapter 12 vocab cards. If you do not finish them during this class period (and you should, because you're being given plenty of time), you will need to come back after school to check out a book from me, unless you already have one at home. Notecards are due this Thursday, when I see you for the very short period.

3) With about 20 minutes remaining in class, Steve will stop you and ask you to put your notecards away and close your textbooks. He will then take you through a short activity in which you will create your own BINGO card for the State of the Union address. You MUST turn your BINGO card in before you leave class today in order to participate in the competition and have a chance at winning some fancy baked goods :)

HW: Finish your Chapter 12 vocab cards and bring them to class with you on Thursday. There will be no extensions given (duh!), so it's up to you to come after school if you need to borrow a textbook.