Monday, November 30, 2009

Lesson 32: November 30 and December 1

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, students should have identified areas of growth in their 2nd draft and should have started making revisions. Students should additionally have standardized their citations and created their cover pages.

1) go over project checklist --> students self-assess progress and figure out what they need to accomplish today
2) individual work time: students who are on-track should be working on revisions, citations, and the cover letter today

Students are at very different places on the essay. Students who are on-track (those who turned in their revised 2nd draft before Thanksgiving) and using their time wisely in class may not need to work on the essay at home. Students who are behind should be working like crazy to get their revised, second draft written. Please contact me if you'd like me to e-mail you the project sheet that includes all of the upcoming deadlines.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lesson 30/31: November 11-17

During lesson 30 (Nov. 11-12) and lesson 31 (Nov. 16-17), students will have two entire periods of silent, independent work time (+ one period in History) to write the first draft of their Immigration and the American Dream literary analysis essay. If you come in with your outline completed and use this 300 minutes well, you should be able to get your rough draft written and typed without doing too much homework.

Over the weekend (Nov. 13-15), students should continue writing their rough drafts and should come into class on Mon/Tues with approximately six of their body paragraphs written.

Homework for Mon/Tues is to finish typing the rough draft. Rough drafts are due -- typed and printed out -- at the beginning of class on Wed/Thurs. I will be in early on Wednesday so that students who need to print can do so. Please do not come to class waving a flashdrive at me and saying that you need to print your paper out!


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day!

No school on Wednesday. Celebrate Veteran's Day by working on your essay outline about the American Dream. Remember that it is due on Thursday (no matter which period you have class) and that this is an important deadline for the graduation portfolio essay. If you need help, my office hours are Tuesday and Thursday mornings -- or by appointment on other days -- this week, I'll be in at about 7am for office hours.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Lesson 29: November 9-10

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, each student will have synthesized evidence from English and History to create the outline for his/her first ESGP essay.

Work time on the outline!

By the time you come to class on Thursday, your outline should be complete. 5th and 6th periods: I will come check your outlines at the beginning of the day (during 3rd period) on Thursday.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lesson 28: November 5-6

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, each student will have generated their topic sentences for all of their body paragraphs.

1) Skillbuilder: generating sophisticated topic sentences (looking at conclusive and qualifying examples)
2) Concessive word list and the point of concession
3) Work time to develop and refine topic sentences

HW: Finish writing topic sentences. If you are behind, get caught up over the weekend. By the time I see you on Monday or Tuesday, you should -- at the very least -- have found all of your evidence and written your topic sentences.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lesson 27: November 4

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, each student will have synthesized and organized evidence from the following sources:
  • founding documents of the United States
  • a Horatio Alger story
  • two oral histories ("My American Dream" and "My Chinese Name is Lee Fong Yee")
  • immigration interviews
  • immigration novel
in order to be ready to generate a working thesis for ESGP Lit. Analysis Essay #1.

Students will have the entire periods in English and in History today to work on evidence collection.

HW: Finish finding evidence for your essay. You should be done finding evidence when you come to class on Thursday or Friday.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Lesson 26: November 2-3

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will be able to: explain the writing process and due dates for ESGP Analysis Essay #1; begin to synthesize multiple primary and secondary sources to construct an argument about the American Dream; graphically organize their ideas and move towards constructing a working thesis for the essay.

1) Calendar --> what's going on in English this quarter?
2) Intro to essay prompt
2) Intro to grown-up thesis statements
3) Organizing and synthesizing evidence collected from primary and secondary source documents

HW: UD E1 groupwork assessment