Monday, February 8, 2010

Lesson 47: February 8-9

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will demonstrate -- by writing the first part of their ESGP Lit. Analysis essay #2 -- that they are able to analyze and evaluate an argument presented as a complex quotation.

1) SSR in Kindred [20 min]
2) work time in small groups to break down quotation and come up with examples/evidence to support opinion [40 min]
3) silent, individual writing time to begin essay [35 min]

This essay is both practice for the EAP and the first part of the next grad. portfolio essay.

HW: Read through page 239 in Kindred and finish the EAP essay that you started in class. Due to the modified schedule over the next two weeks, these assignments are due on Thursday, 2/11 for periods 1 and 2 and on Tuesday, 2/16 for periods 5 and 6.