Monday, February 1, 2010

Lesson 45: February 1/2

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will orally analyze arguments in pages 132-160 of Kindred, identify the parts and grading criteria of the EAP essay, and begin outlining EAP practice essay #1

1) SSR in Kindred
2) What is EAP? How is EAP assessed? What are the elements of a strong argument essay?
3) Literary discussion circle #6 with three roles (all except quote scribe)
4) Each student will choose one quotation (from the lit. discussion questions) to respond to and, on the back of the question sheet, organize/plan/outline an EAP essay.

HW: Read up to page 188; finish outlining/organizing/brainstorming your practice EAP essay (these will be collected and graded based on quality, not just completion)