Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lesson 55: March 12

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, students will individually read and orally analyze three Langston Hughes short stories (“Heaven to Hell”, “Who is Passing for Who?”, “Thank You, M’am”); in addition, students will independently write a timed EAP-style essay in order to practice for the EAP writing assessment happening in two weeks!

1) Students read three Langston Hughes short stories silently
2) Literary discussion circles on Hughes's texts
3) Students read two EAP essay prompts and choose the one that they want to write an essay on; they will then organize their ideas and complete the essay within the class period.

HW: Have a good long weekend. Because of the Monday off, fieldtrip on Tuesday, and WLE on Wednesday, I will not see you for English class until the 18th or 19th.