Friday, March 26, 2010

Lesson 58: March 25-26

Today is EAP essay day! The EAP is a standardized writing assessment that we have been preparing for in English class for the past couple months. It is students' first attempt at meeting the minimum English requirements for the California State University system to avoid having to take costly remedial-level classes in college. In addition to the essay portion of the test, which is what students are taking today, they must hit proficiency on the 11th grade English STAR test and complete the supplementary 15-question section that comes after the STAR test and that we are making mandatory for 11th graders. If you have any questions about the EAP, please let me know.

After the EAP, students will have a few minutes to begin typing their third EAP/ESGP essay.

1) Bring your whole ESGP essay (EAP/ESGP parts 1-3) typed and printed out on Tuesday. There will not be computers or printers to use for printing, so please go to the LC before school if you need to print. (Note: All students have all classes on Tuesday because Monday is a holiday.)
2) Write a 1/2 to 1 page reflection on your 3rd quarter English grade.