Monday, November 15, 2010

Lesson 40: November 15th

Today's objective:
By the end of today's lesson, students will have a deeper understanding of the role that analysis/ understanding of audience plays in evaluating the effectiveness of a rhetorical appeal. They will demonstrate their understanding of this knowledge by rewriting the evaluation paragraphs in their essay.

1) watch Jitterbug, Android, and Apple (iPhone) commercials --> two each
2) class discussion on rhetorical appeals used in each commercial and commercial's overall effectiveness
3) whole class works together to generate an evaluation paragraph for the Droid commercials with American senior citizens as the target audience
4) students choose one ad and work in pairs to write a paragraph evaluating the effectiveness of the commercials for middle-class, working mothers
5) students work individually to re-write their own evaluation paragraphs

HW: the 3rd (and possibly final) draft of your essay is due tomorrow (Tuesday) at 4:30pm