Monday, November 29, 2010

Lesson 45: November 29th

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, students will have an overarching understanding of the bureaucracy and how the bureaucracy is involved in our daily lives in ways we may not expect. Students will also begin to learn how the bureaucracy is organized and managed.

1) Intro to the bureaucracy: guided reading of pages 470-471 and 493 in the textbook with class discussion.
2) Students will individually interact with an online simulation that demonstrates some of the many ways that the bureaucracy serves to regulate various aspects of our daily lives.
3) We will watch and discuss a brief video on the cabinet.
4) Students will begin reading Chapter 15 and creating vocab cards on the following terms/concepts:

•    bureaucracy
•    patronage (you should already know this word from a previous chapter)
•    merit principle
•    OPM (Office of Personnel Management)
•    GS (General Schedule) rating
•    The Plum Book
•    cabinet
•    independent regulatory commission
•    What are the fifteen cabinet departments? (You should have a list of them on one notecard together… and you need to know which four are the most important!)

HW: Read p. 472-480 and create notecards (including definition and example) for each of the terms/concepts listed above. This is due tomorrow (Tuesday).