Friday, March 25, 2011

Lesson 91: Friday, March 25

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, students will know what they need to do over spring break in order to stay on track with AP Gov and will be able to apply the decision in Mapp v. Ohio to exceptional cases involving the exclusionary clause.

1) Go over spring break HW assignment
2) Mapp v. Ohio activity in small groups
3) Whole class discussion on Mapp v. Ohio

HW (for spring break):
1) Research the following cases on the pink sheet you received on Thursday: #4, #8, #14, #15, #17, #21, #22, #23, #28, #30, #31, #33, #34, #38.
2) Complete the back sides of your flashcards for all of the cases listed above. You also need to make sure you have filled in the cards for #2, #9, #13, and #26 --> these are the four that we have gone over heavily in class.
3) Study these cases like crazy. You will have a quiz on them the day we return from break and it will count in your 3rd quarter grade.
4) Read and create an outline for Ch. 5 in your textbook (or take extensive notes on Ch. 5)... something that will prove to me that you read and really tried to understand the entire chapter.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lesson 90: Thursday, March 24th

Today's objective:
By the end of today's lesson, students will interpret Regents of UC v. Bakke and the 14th Amendment to test the constitutionality of AZ HB 2881. Additionally, students should be able to explain selective incorporation and its connection to Barron v. Baltimore and Gitlow v. New York.

1) Do-now on ethnic studies and the 14th Amendment.
2) Video on Arizona ethnic studies ban and text of the law.
3) Finish intro to selective incorporation
4) Set up notecards for post-break competition
5) Begin reading/discussion questions for Mapp v. Ohio

HW: Finish answering discussion questions on Mapp v. Ohio

Lesson 89: Tuesday, March 22nd

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, students will be able to apply Regents of the UC v. Bakke (1978) as a precedent case and should be able to explain selective incorporation.

1) Discussion on Regents v. Bakke
2) Regents v. Bakke activity
3) Lecture on selective incorporation

HW: Bring blank notecards for Thursday.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Lesson 88: Monday, March 21st

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, students will be able to apply McCullough v. Maryland as a precedent case to the process of legislation and the powers of the federal government.

1) Do-now: U of W feedback on 112th Congress unit 
2) Review of McCullough v. Maryland discussion questions from Thursday 
3) McCullough v. Maryland activity in small groups and student-led class discussion
4) Read Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978) in preparation for discussion and activity tomorrow.

HW: Finish reading Bakke if you didn't finish in class and either annotate the text or respond, in writing, to the discussion questions.

Lesson 87 (in AP Gov): Thursday, March 17th

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, students will be able to explain the process that the Supreme Court goes through to choose cases to hear and will be able to accurately apply the criteria for granting certiorari to sample cases.

1) Barack-etology and what's coming up in this unit
2) Review of homework reading on granting certiorari
3) Granting certiorari activity in small groups
4) McCullough v. Maryland reading and discussion (in preparation for activity on Monday)

HW: If you did not finish answering the McCullough v. Maryland questions today, you must finish it for HW over the weekend.

Lesson 86 (in Adv. DMA): Wednesday/Thursday, March 16th/17th

Today's objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to visually depict the various components of the US justice system and will be able to explain how our federalist system is represented in the design of the court system.

Work time to complete TCI activity on the US Court System in pairs

HW: If you did not finish this activity in class, it must be finished for HW before your AP Gov period on Monday.

Lesson 85 (in AP Gov): Tuesday, March 15th

Today's objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to differentiate between justice and fairness and between equality and equity and apply these concepts to our justice system. They will also be able to explain the principles of our justice system as established in the Constitution.

1) Do-now: journal on justice and fairness (followed by class discussion)
2) What does the Constitution say makes for a fair trial? Why? (primary source activity with Constitution)

HW: Read “Choosing Which Cases to Decide” and prepare for granting certiorari activity

Lesson 83 and 84 (in Adv. DMA): Monday and Tuesday, March 14th and 15th

Students will be watching and discussing 12 Angry Men (dir. Sidney Lumet, 1957) in order to explore the workings of a criminal (i.e., jury) trial, the due process requirements established by the Constitution, and the philosophical underpinnings of our justice system.

HW: none

Lesson 82 (in AP Gov): Monday, March 14th

Today's objective: By the end of today's lesson, students will be able to explain the role that the judicial branch plays within our government, the process that cases go through to get to the Supreme Court, and who our current Justice are.

1) Watch Part III of Constitutional Concepts video (20 min.) with class discussion
2) Watch ACLU Supreme Court video on Board of Education v. Earls case with class discussion

HW: none

Lesson 80 and 81: Thursday and Friday, March 10th and 11th

Multiple Choice section of Unit 4 Exam: Thursday, March 10th
Free Response section of Unit 4 Exam: Friday, March 11th

The M/C section will include 35 AP-style multiple choice questions based on the vocabulary terms listed on the review sheet. The FRQ section will include four of the seven free-response questions listed on the review sheet.

HW: Come ready to start the judicial branch on Monday!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lesson 79: Tuesday, March 8th

Study time for Unit 4 Exam! Students will take the multiple-choice portion of the exam this Thursday and the free-response portion of the exam this Friday.

Lesson 78: Monday, March 7th

Today's objective:
Students will demonstrate and reinforce their knowledge of the legislative branch of government -- in preparation for the Unit 4 exam -- by playing each other's Congress board games.

Game time!

HW: Study for the exam on Thursday/Friday

Monday, March 7, 2011

Lesson 76 and 77: Thursday and Friday, March 3rd and 4th

During these two lessons, students will have project work time for their Legislative Branch Board Game Project. Games are due at the beginning of class on Monday, March 7th and are worth 1/3 of each student's exam grade for Unit 4 (Congress).

Lesson 75: during AS on March 2nd

Today we are having our mock Senatorial Floor Session in the community room during the last 10 minutes of 1st period, all of the Academic Seminar block, and the first 10 minutes of 2nd period.

Students should come professionally dressed and ready to participate with their marked-up bills packet.

HW: none