Friday, March 25, 2011

Lesson 91: Friday, March 25

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, students will know what they need to do over spring break in order to stay on track with AP Gov and will be able to apply the decision in Mapp v. Ohio to exceptional cases involving the exclusionary clause.

1) Go over spring break HW assignment
2) Mapp v. Ohio activity in small groups
3) Whole class discussion on Mapp v. Ohio

HW (for spring break):
1) Research the following cases on the pink sheet you received on Thursday: #4, #8, #14, #15, #17, #21, #22, #23, #28, #30, #31, #33, #34, #38.
2) Complete the back sides of your flashcards for all of the cases listed above. You also need to make sure you have filled in the cards for #2, #9, #13, and #26 --> these are the four that we have gone over heavily in class.
3) Study these cases like crazy. You will have a quiz on them the day we return from break and it will count in your 3rd quarter grade.
4) Read and create an outline for Ch. 5 in your textbook (or take extensive notes on Ch. 5)... something that will prove to me that you read and really tried to understand the entire chapter.