Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lesson 25: October 28-29

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will have made progress on (by finishing or coming very close to finishing) their immigration novel and will work on reading response paper #2.

1) SSR in immigration novels [40 min]
2) work time for reading response paper #2

Reading response paper #2 is due on Monday (per. 1 and 2) or Tuesday (per. 5 and 6) next week. If you need a book to finish writing your paper over the weekend, please check one out after school on Thursday. Books must be returned on Monday morning before school.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Lesson 24: October, 26-27

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will have: made progress in their immigration novels, finished planning their exhibition presentations, and started working on reading response paper #2.

1) SSR in immigration texts [35 min.]
2) students will finish creating notecards for exhibition presentations [30 min.]
3) students will silently start writing reading response paper #2 [30 min.]

  • Reading Response Paper #2 is due on Nov. 2-3 (Monday, 11/2 for per. 1 and 2; Tuesday, 11/3 for per. 5 and 6)
  • Students should be finished with their immigration texts by next week (books can be checked out overnight at the end of every school day and must be returned before school the following morning).
  • Exhibition notecards are due in History class on Wed/Thurs, 10/28-29

Friday, October 23, 2009

Lesson 23: October 22-23

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will have made progress in their immigration novels, planned another page in their artist's book, and have started working on their exhibition presentation note cards.

1) SSR [30 min.]
2) plan page 3 or 4 in your artist's book [30 min]
3) overview of exhibition [10 min]
4) create notecards for exhibition [30 min]

HW: Work on your exhibition project! (read your immigration novel, plan some pages, draw/paint your pages, etc.)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lesson 22: October 21

Today's objectives:
Students will continue to make progress in their immigration novels to prepare for the first exhibition (next week) and the first graduation portfolio product.

SSR [35 min]

HW: There's no "official" homework (meaning nothing that will be collected or graded), but students should be working like crazy on finishing their immigration novels and planning/creating their pages for the exhibition project.

Immigration novels can be checked out everyday at the end of the school day and must be returned between 7:45 and 8:00 the following morning.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lesson 21: October 19-20

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will be able to: evaluate their own Q1 performance in English and History; symbolize/depict their characters' American Dreams; plan page 2 of their artists' books.

1) holistic grading rubric for Q1 English grade
2) holistic grading rubric for Q1 History grade
3) SSR in immigration novels [30 min]
4) plan page 2 (or 3) of your artist's book

HW: Write a reflection (~1 page long) about your English grade.
[How do you feel about your grade? Do you think you received the grade you deserve? Which categories/assignments did you excel in? Which categories (or what kind of assignments) do you need to improve on this quarter?]

Sunday, October 18, 2009

If you borrowed a book from the classroom...

...please bring it back before school (between 7:30 and 8am) on Monday. We will continue to use them in English for SSR and in Art to create page 2.


Lesson 20: October 15/16

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will be able to: conduct and analyze interviews with three immigrants from different parts of the world; and, assess the interviewees’ immigration experiences in light of the American Dream.


BLOCK ONE: Immigration Interviews
1. Interview teams put finishing touches on questions/set-up of interview space
2. Student groups cycle through three interviews

BLOCK TWO: Interview Debrief
1. Silent Journal Reflection: debrief experience, what was challenging, what was interesting, unexpected, etc.
2. Self and group assessment/grade
3. The interview as a Social Science source
4. Connecting interviews to the American Dream and finding good supporting quotations

HW: Write one paragraph about each of the three immigrants you interviewed (three paragraphs in total). In what ways has each immigrant achieved the American Dream? Are there any ways in which an immigrant has not been able to achieve the American Dream? Why?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Need help with Response Paper #1?

If you're struggling with Response Paper #1 (due 10/15-16) or you just need to get a little more reading done in order to write a good paper, these are some of the dates and times I'll be available:

  • Tuesday and Thursday morning before school (7:30-8:10)
  • Tuesday and Thursday during support and enrichment (if you just need to read and don't already have an S&E obligation)
  • Wednesday from 12:40-1:30 -- please let me know in advance if you're coming so I can tell you where to find me
  • During lunch -- just let me know in advance.
I'm also always available by cell phone/text message.


Lesson 19: Thursday/Tuesday, 10/8 and 10/13

There is no post for lesson 18 because it was a continuation of lesson 17.

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, students will be able to: demonstrate their understanding of words in vocab lists 1-4; generate the race, ethnicity, and nationality of their immigration character; explain what is required in the first response paper assignment.

Do Now: Vocab "quest" #4 [25 min.]
1) SSR in immigration novels [25 min.]
2) Review of race, ethnicity, nationality → students work in groups to discuss the main character of their book and to generate his/her race, ethnicity, and nationality. [15 min]
2) Introduce response paper #1 – students will have 30 minutes to work on response paper #1 or to find quotations re: the American Dream [30 min]

Write response paper #1 – due 10/15-16
Get ready for your immigration interview next week

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lesson 17: Monday/Tuesday, 10/5-6

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will make progress in their immigration novels and know what's coming up in English, Art, and History as we move towards the exhibition. In addition, students will be able to select and analyze quotations re: the American Dream and associate SAT prep adjectives (from vocab lists 1-4) with emotions/connotation.

1) SSR in immigration novels [40 minutes]
2) interdisciplinary exhibition calendar [10 min]
3) select and analyze quotations re: the American Dream [30 min]
4) associate SAT prep adjectives (vocab lists 1-4) with emotions/connotation

HW: finish the emotion/faces vocab. activity we started in class; prepare for vocab quiz #4 on Thursday, 9/8 (per. 3,2,1) or Tuesday, 9/13 (per. 4,5,6)