Thursday, October 8, 2009

Lesson 19: Thursday/Tuesday, 10/8 and 10/13

There is no post for lesson 18 because it was a continuation of lesson 17.

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's lesson, students will be able to: demonstrate their understanding of words in vocab lists 1-4; generate the race, ethnicity, and nationality of their immigration character; explain what is required in the first response paper assignment.

Do Now: Vocab "quest" #4 [25 min.]
1) SSR in immigration novels [25 min.]
2) Review of race, ethnicity, nationality → students work in groups to discuss the main character of their book and to generate his/her race, ethnicity, and nationality. [15 min]
2) Introduce response paper #1 – students will have 30 minutes to work on response paper #1 or to find quotations re: the American Dream [30 min]

Write response paper #1 – due 10/15-16
Get ready for your immigration interview next week