Monday, October 26, 2009

Lesson 24: October, 26-27

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will have: made progress in their immigration novels, finished planning their exhibition presentations, and started working on reading response paper #2.

1) SSR in immigration texts [35 min.]
2) students will finish creating notecards for exhibition presentations [30 min.]
3) students will silently start writing reading response paper #2 [30 min.]

  • Reading Response Paper #2 is due on Nov. 2-3 (Monday, 11/2 for per. 1 and 2; Tuesday, 11/3 for per. 5 and 6)
  • Students should be finished with their immigration texts by next week (books can be checked out overnight at the end of every school day and must be returned before school the following morning).
  • Exhibition notecards are due in History class on Wed/Thurs, 10/28-29