Sunday, October 18, 2009

Lesson 20: October 15/16

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will be able to: conduct and analyze interviews with three immigrants from different parts of the world; and, assess the interviewees’ immigration experiences in light of the American Dream.


BLOCK ONE: Immigration Interviews
1. Interview teams put finishing touches on questions/set-up of interview space
2. Student groups cycle through three interviews

BLOCK TWO: Interview Debrief
1. Silent Journal Reflection: debrief experience, what was challenging, what was interesting, unexpected, etc.
2. Self and group assessment/grade
3. The interview as a Social Science source
4. Connecting interviews to the American Dream and finding good supporting quotations

HW: Write one paragraph about each of the three immigrants you interviewed (three paragraphs in total). In what ways has each immigrant achieved the American Dream? Are there any ways in which an immigrant has not been able to achieve the American Dream? Why?