Monday, October 19, 2009

Lesson 21: October 19-20

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will be able to: evaluate their own Q1 performance in English and History; symbolize/depict their characters' American Dreams; plan page 2 of their artists' books.

1) holistic grading rubric for Q1 English grade
2) holistic grading rubric for Q1 History grade
3) SSR in immigration novels [30 min]
4) plan page 2 (or 3) of your artist's book

HW: Write a reflection (~1 page long) about your English grade.
[How do you feel about your grade? Do you think you received the grade you deserve? Which categories/assignments did you excel in? Which categories (or what kind of assignments) do you need to improve on this quarter?]