Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lesson 17: Monday/Tuesday, 10/5-6

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will make progress in their immigration novels and know what's coming up in English, Art, and History as we move towards the exhibition. In addition, students will be able to select and analyze quotations re: the American Dream and associate SAT prep adjectives (from vocab lists 1-4) with emotions/connotation.

1) SSR in immigration novels [40 minutes]
2) interdisciplinary exhibition calendar [10 min]
3) select and analyze quotations re: the American Dream [30 min]
4) associate SAT prep adjectives (vocab lists 1-4) with emotions/connotation

HW: finish the emotion/faces vocab. activity we started in class; prepare for vocab quiz #4 on Thursday, 9/8 (per. 3,2,1) or Tuesday, 9/13 (per. 4,5,6)