Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lesson 16: Thursday/Friday, 10/1-2

Today, AmEx is a 200 minute, team-teaching Humanities extravaganza. By the end of the day, students should be able to:
  • explain the difference between "push" and "pull" factors in immigration
  • identify the particular "pull factors" that constitute the "American Dream"
  • classify an interview as a primary source text in the Social Sciences
  • use textual evidence from differentiated immigration novels to support/refute ideas about the American Dream
  • differentiate between original interview questions and follow-up questions
  • generate 20-30 mixed-level interview questions on immigration
1st block:
1) What is the American Dream? (45 mins)
* identify push-pull factors
* identify main themes in American Dream from Horatio Alger story (HW)
2a) Interviews as a social science source (25 mins)
* review sources
* bias, perspective, evidence
2b) Read Silently and find quotes that support/refute American Dream as reality

2nd block:
1) students work in "new" book groups to share out quotations found during SSR (20 mins)
2) read oral history ("My Chinese Name is Lee Fong Yee") in small groups (15 mins)
3) groups work to generate questions that the interviewer might have asked to elicit the information in the oral history (20 mins)
4) book groups generate questions on focused topics (20 mins)
5) jigsaw with mixed topic groups using groupings from Joel's class (20-25 mins)

HW: if we get through it all, none! Students who are 20 or more pages behind in their books will have a mandatory reading catch-up day with me after school on Monday -- treats will be provided :)