Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lesson 9: Monday/Tuesday, 9/14-15

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will be able to: demonstrate the correct usage and connotation of 25 vocabulary words; explain what a witch hunt is and provide some examples of historical witch hunts; analyze their assigned character’s motivation in act 2, scene 1.

Do-now: vocab quiz on 25 words
1) Introduction to vocab list #3
2) What is a witch hunt? → look at definition and students rephrase in their own words
3) T-chart on historical witch hunts – who was targeted? What were they blamed for?
4) Intro to scene assignment project (including individual write-up) → assignment of groups/scenes and distribution of character analysis charts
5) Groups have work time on scene assignment project

HW: Complete the "Spidergram" character analysis chart for the character you’re portraying in your group's scene project