Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lesson 7: Tuesday/Wednesday, 9/8-9

Today's objectives:
By the end of class today, students will be able to: demonstrate their understanding of connotation using current vocab words; synthesize primary sources AND all of the notes they've received in English and History to identify key Puritan values; identify the events in the second half of act I, scene 2 of The Crucible.

Do-Now: Review of connotation using current vocab words (put word groups in order by connotative meaning)
1) Puritan iceberg activity
• Review of "iceberg" cultural model
• Students move into heterogeneous groups and share out their texts using debrief sheet
• Review all handouts/notes on Puritanism from English and History → fill in Puritan “iceberg”
2) Read aloud p. 30; 34-47 of The Crucible in small groups and answer comprehension questions

HW: Finish anything not completed in class. This could be quite a lot, depending on how productive each group was.