Monday, January 4, 2010

Lessons 37: January 4/5

Today's objectives:
By the end of today's class, students will get over the myth of “colorblindness," think about their previous experiences talking/learning about racism in school as well as their own current understanding of racism; differentiate between interpersonal and structural/institutional racism; and, get more comfortable talking about race and racism in a heterogeneous environment.

1) Students read an abridged version of “See Baby Discriminate” individually and discuss in small groups → each group shares out one thing they discussed about the article.
2) Students fill out Kindred anticipation guide
3) The class works together to generate a definition for racism.
4) What’s the difference between interpersonal and institutional/structural racism? (and some examples of institutional/structural racism)
5) Introduce homework assignment

HW: Positionality Journal Response (should be ~2 pages handwritten) -- due Thursday/Friday. This will count for the first Leadership Skills assignment of the 2nd semester.