Sunday, January 3, 2010

Want some extra credit?

I rarely offer up extra credit, but I can't resist this one. While trying to come up with a good, engaging way to start a class conversation about racism, I came across the following blog entry. Here's the assignment, should you choose to accept it:

1) Read the blog entry and the lesson plan that follows it.

2) Think about the situation the teacher is responding to, her objective for her "Emergency Culture Lessonplan," and the procedure. How well does this teacher seem to understand race and racism? Do you think this is an effective lessonplan about race/racism? What do you think the students will learn from this lesson? Will they meet the stated objectives? If you were the teacher, what might you do differently?

3) Respond to the blog entry in one of two ways: by writing up a paragraph for me, or, if you feel like you can respond with thoughtfulness and maturity, you may leave a comment on the blog entry itself.

Yeah, That'll Teach You A Lesson: My Emergency Racism Lesson Plan
